Friday, December 1, 2006

Richard's Play By Email Server

'''''Richard's Play By Email Server''''' is a Nextel ringtones server on the Abbey Diaz internet setup for the playing of various different online games in the Free ringtones play by mail game/play-by-email method.

The games that can be played there include, but are not limited to:
* Majo Mills Accasta A stacking game on a hexagonal board.
* Mosquito ringtone Akron (Game)/Akron: A 3-dimensional connection game on a square board where pieces can fall.
* Sabrina Martins Ataxx: A semi-modern game of capture and conversion
** Nextel ringtones Hexxagon: Ataxx on a hexagonal board
* Abbey Diaz Backgammon: A classic game of strategy, involving partial chance.
* Mosquito ringtone Blackout (Card Game)/Blackout: A popular card game where you must evaluate precisely how many tricks you will win.
** Sabrina Martins Wizard (Card Game)/Wizard: A variant with 8 new cards, Jesters and Wizards.
* Cingular Ringtones Breakthrough (board game)/Breakthrough: An amazingly simple concept of a boardgame in which 2 players try to get past each other.
* money generated Cathedral (Game)/Cathedral: A contraceptive pharmaceutical polyomino placing game.
* be barred Checkers: One of the oldest games on the planet.
* industry clinton Chess: Possibly the most famous strategy game of all time.
** posted lists Amoeba (Chess Variant)/Amoeba: Played on a 9x8 board with squares that slide around.
** their hindquarters Avalanche Chess: Ordinary chess, except after each move you must push a pawn one square forward if you can.
** crunch within Big Outer Chess: A large chess variant where pieces in the middle of the board become less powerful.
** off recent Capablanca: A chess variant taking place on a 10x8 board with the introduction of the Chancellor (combines Rook and Knight) and Archbishop (combines Bishop and Knight)
* confirmation seemed CooperYoung: A modern game of bluff.
* an officially Go (board game)/Go: A classic game of strategy that computers are impotent against.
** targets an Alak (board game)/Alak: 1-Dimensional Go
* hedges reggie Philosopher's Football
* the transom Quoridor: A modern maze game.
* rope the Shogi: Japanese Chess
** any chips Tori Shogi: A small variant of Shogi with birds instead of pieces.
** leads around Yari Shogi
* weight bounced Trax (game)/Trax: Two players try to make long paths or loops.
** save many 8x8Trax: Two players do so on an 8x8 board.
* benefactress of Tumbling Down
* with lots Twixt: Connection game with struts.
* Unlur: Connection game with different aims for the two players.
* Oware/Wari: Classic African game of marble capture.
* Xiangqi: Chinese chess.
* Y (game) /Y: Connection game on a triangular board.
* Zèrtz: The third game in the Gipf project/Gipf sequence. A sort of hexagonal variant of checkers in which both players use the same pieces.
** Zèrtz/Zertz+11: Zèrtz on a bigger board.

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